Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • having unlimited power



    1. The Order no 552 of 2 July 2002 concerns the regulation of certain industrial greenhouse gases (HFCs, PFCs and SF6), which are all powerful greenhouse gases.
    2. In order to cope with this growth, greater use must be made of short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways than at present, and it is necessary to stimulate further powerful initiatives from the transport and logistics sector, including dry ports and other platforms that facilitate intermodality, to encourage new approaches and the use of technical innovations in all transport modes and their management.
    3. It is also of vital importance that powerful and vulnerable sources in non-nuclear applications are physically protected against malicious acts when used or stored, and when no longer required, they should be dismantled and stored, or disposed of as radioactive waste, in a safe and secure location. All States with comprehensive safeguards agreements are required to establish and maintain SSACs subject to safeguards.