Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vierde maand v.h. jaar; benaming voor april
  • the month following March and preceding May




  1. April fools!
  2. April Fool's!
  3. School starts April 8th.
  4. School begins in April.
  5. It's April first.
  6. May comes after April.
  7. It's rather cold for April.
  8. School begins on April 5th.
  9. April showers bring May flowers.
  10. School begins on April 8.
  11. Our rates increased in April.
  12. April is the cruellest month.
  13. I was born on April 3, 1950.
  14. Is it always so awful in April?
  15. The month when school begins is April.