Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • niet synchroon
  • (digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that does not require a common clock between the communicating devices; timing signals are derived from special characters in the data stream itself


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • not synchronous; not occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase


    1. Asynchronous
    2. synchronous/asynchronous [1] Strike out what does not apply.
    3. These messages are dealt with in an asynchronous way.
    4. Queuing of asynchronous messages if the recipient service is temporally unavailable;
    5. The system stores incoming asynchronous messages until they can be processed.
    6. "Communications channel controller" (4) means the physical interface which controls the flow of synchronous or asynchronous digital information.
    7. The test forces are applied to the specimen in both horizontal and vertical directions in an asynchronous endurance test.
    8. With asynchronous testing the frequencies of the two force components shall be between approximately 1 % and a maximum of 3 % apart.
    9. Synchronous/asynchronous [6] Delete where not applicable (there are cases where nothing needs to be deleted when more than one entry is applicable).
    10. The system queues asynchronous messages if the recipient Member State is temporarily unavailable and guarantees the deliverance as soon as the recipient is up again.
    11. The fifth wheel coupling shall be subjected to alternating stress on a test rig (asynchronous dynamic test) with horizontal alternating and vertical pulsating forces acting simultaneously.
    12. The application DNA data exchange will exploit the e-mail, an asynchronous mechanism, to send requests and to receive replies among the Member States.
    13. In order to exploit this common communication infrastructure of sending requests and receiving replies in a more effective way, an asynchronous mechanism to convey DNA and dactyloscopic data requests in a wrapped SMTP e-mail message is adopted.
    14. "Common channel signalling" (5) is a signalling method in which a single channel between exchanges conveys, by means of labelled messages, signalling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits or calls and other information such as that used for network management. "Communications channel controller" (4) means the physical interface which controls the flow of synchronous or asynchronous digital information.
    15. "Common channel signalling" (5) is a signalling method in which a single channel between exchanges conveys, by means of labelled messages, signalling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits or calls and other information such as that used for network management. "Communications channel controller" (4) means the physical interface which controls the flow of synchronous or asynchronous digital information. It is an assembly that can be integrated into computer or telecommunications equipment to provide communications access.