Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bariumsulfaat
  • a white or colorless mineral (BaSO4); the main source of barium




  1. It was further found that in the PRC large quantities of the main raw material barite were accessible without any specific mining process while in the USA barite was mined either surface or underground.
  2. barite-containing drilling muds and wastes other than those mentioned in 01 05 05 and 01 05 06
  3. As far as the access to raw materials is concerned, it was found that the USA was, together with the PRC, one of the largest barite producers and had substantial barite reserves.
  4. Therefore, the normal value was adjusted by taking into account the major differences in the production conditions, i.e. the differences in costs for the production and transport of the main raw material barite.
  5. In any case, the Commission concluded that South Korea was not an appropriate analogue country because it had no domestic source of barite, the most important raw material, and only an insignificant production of barium carbonate.
  6. In addition, the raw material in China was transported to near-by factories involving practically no transport cost, while in the USA the cost to transport barite from the mines to the factories was substantial.
  7. It was therefore considered that appropriate adjustments to the normal value in the USA were warranted in order to bring the conditions of the production of barium carbonate in the USA to a comparable level with the ones in the PRC. Therefore, the normal value was adjusted by taking into account the major differences in the production conditions, i.e. the differences in costs for the production and transport of the main raw material barite.