Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • belangeloos; onbaatzuchtig; grootmoedig; onbaatzuchtig
  • pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
"better-looking than her sister"



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • (van personen en hun uiterlijk) welgevormd
  • pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion
"better-looking than her sister"



  1. You're looking better.
  2. He's better looking than me.
  3. She's better looking than me.
  4. Tom is looking for a better job.
  5. She's looking for a better job.
  6. I've been looking for a better place to live.
  7. It's hot, so you'd better head back quickly. Mackerel goes off so fast that they coined 'fresh-looking rotten fish'.
  8. A number of instruments have been developed in recent years, both at Community and at international level, to help European citizens to communicate better their qualifications and competences when looking for a job or for admission to a learning scheme.
  9. There must be an increased focus on forward-looking investments in people, know-how and capital in the farm and forestry sectors, on new ways of delivering win-win environmental services and on creating more and better jobs through diversification, particularly for women and young people.