Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vergiftiging, veroorzaakt door afscheiding van bacteriën, vooral in oppervlaktewater, vlees- en visconserven
  • food poisoning from ingesting botulin; not infectious; affects the CNS; can be fatal if not treated promptly



  1. Botulism, brucellosis, Lyme-disease and tetanus are infectious, but not contagious diseases.
  3. Botulism
  4. Botulism Campylobacteriosis
  5. Infant botulism
  6. Food-borne and wound botulism
  7. Isolation of C. botulinum for infant botulism (stool) or wound botulism (wound) (isolation of C. botulinum in stool of adults not relevant for the diagnosis of food-borne botulism)
  8. According to the European Communicable Disease Bulletin, Eurosurveillance, of January 1999, which is a special issue on botulism in Europe, botulism is very rare in Denmark.
  9. It states that there are fewer cases of botulism than in most other Member States.
  10. Infant botulism Any infant with at least one of the following six:
  11. Following Decision 2008/448/EC, which required Denmark to monitor the situation with respect to, inter alia, botulism, Denmark notes that no cases of botulism have been recorded in Denmark since 2006.
  12. Following Decision 2008/448/EC, which required Denmark to monitor the situation with respect to, inter alia, botulism, Denmark notes that no cases of botulism have been recorded in Denmark since 2006. Thus, the Danish provisions on the use of nitrite in meat products are still considered as providing comprehensive protection against food poisoning.
  13. It stresses that the same preservation of meat products, ensuring there are no outbreaks of botulism, relies upon a complex interaction between a number of factors including not only nitrites but also salt, pH and temperature control.
  14. Through the figures it provided on the occurrence of food poisoning and, in particular, botulism, Denmark has demonstrated that it has so far achieved satisfactory results with its legislation.
  15. Moreover, it has a relatively low rate of botulism compared with other EU Member States, and not a single case caused by the consumption of meat products has been recorded since 1980.