Betekenis van:
buy off

to buy off
  • vrijkopen
  • pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor



to buy off
  • loskopen
  • pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor




  1. Tom is sufficiently well off to buy a house anywhere he wants.
  2. "Yes," Dima replied, brushing off a piece of half-eaten fish that had gotten stuck to his right sleeve. "I'd like to buy that one there."
  3. finally, proprietary trading activities will be halted, from the date of this decision, and market activities will be significantly curtailed, enabling a reduction in Dexia’s exposure to market risks and counterparty risks in off-balance-sheet transactions: the SBPO and TOB activities will be placed in run-off and Dexia’s value-at-risk limits have been cut by 44 % compared to 2008. The complete cessation of the proprietary trading activities means that Dexia will maintain trading activities only to receive, transmit and execute its customers’ orders to buy and sell.