Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • situated in or directed toward the part of the body from which the tail arises
    "caudal fins"
    "the caudal end of the body"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • constituting or relating to a tail
      "caudal appendage"
      Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
        • resembling a tail


          • toward the posterior end of the body



          1. A volume of 0.1 ml of brucellosis allergen shall be injected intradermally into the caudal fold, the skin of the flank, or the side of the neck.
          2. The width of any individual pen for a calf shall be at least equal to the height of the calf at the withers, measured in the standing position, and the length shall be at least equal to the body length of the calf, measured from the tip of the nose to the caudal edge of the tuber ischii (pin bone), multiplied by 1,1.
          3. The carcass weight referred to in Article 13(1) of Directive 93/25/EEC is the weight of the slaughtered animal's cold body after having been bled, skinned and eviscerated, and after removal of the head (severed at the atlanto-occipital joint), of the feet (severed at the carpo-metacarpal or tarso-metatarsal joints), of the tail (severed between the sixth and seventh caudal vertebrae) and of the genital organs (including udder).
          4. for sheep and goats means the whole body of a slaughtered animal as presented after bleeding, evisceration and skinning, presented without the head (separated at the atloido-occipital joint); without the feet (severed at the carpametacarpal or tarsometatarsal joints); without the tail (severed between the sixth and seventh caudal vertebrae); without the organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities (except the kidneys and kidney fat); and without the udder and sexual organs; the kidneys and kidney fat are part of the carcass;
          5. Fillets: strips of flesh cut parallel to the backbone of the fish and consisting of the right or left side of the fish, provided that the head, viscera, fins (dorsal, anal, caudal, ventral, pectoral) and bones (vertebrae or large backbone, ventral or costal, bronchial or stirrup bones, etc.) have been removed and the two sides are not connected, for example by the back or stomach.