Betekenis van:

to clear-cut
    • remove all the trees at one time
    "clear-cut an acre of forest"


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • having had all the trees removed at one time
      "clear-cut hillsides are subject to erosion"
      Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
        • clearly or sharply defined to the mind
        "clear-cut evidence of tampering"


        Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
          • clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible
          "a clear-cut pattern"




          1. In Singapore, practically right on the equator, the rainy and dry seasons aren't very clear cut.
          2. Clear cut belt [1]
          4. Re-design of clear cut belt dedicated information system
          5. A proposal will only be deemed ineligible on grounds of ‘scope’ in clear-cut cases [12];
          6. It defines in particular the parts of the territory where the clear cut belt will be situated.
          7. The variability of clinical signs for both HPAI and LPAI means that clear-cut guidance for a suspected outbreak is not possible.
          8. If the question of eligibility is not clear-cut and a more comprehensive review of the case is deemed necessary, an eligibility review committee may be convened.
          9. That contribution should, consequently, be granted for all actions directly linked to the creation of a clear cut belt as an area free from PWN vector hosts.
          10. The measures consisted of the creation of a barrier free from all host trees of the pinewood nematode vector, hereinafter the ‘clear cut belt’.
          11. As the exceptional circumstances faced by Portugal have also delayed the payments by Portugal to the private companies having executed the clear cut belt, the deadline for submitting the appropriate documentation should be extended.
          12. The actions linked to the creation of a clear-cut belt as an area free from PWN vector hosts should be in compliance with the applicable Community environmental legislation.
          13. The compensation shall be based on the value of the wood the owner would have been able to obtain immediately before the beginning of the actions in the clear cut belt.
          14. (pinewood nematode) to other Member States. The measures consisted of the creation of a barrier free from all host trees of the pinewood nematode vector, hereinafter the ‘clear cut belt’.
          15. A proposal will only be deemed ineligible on grounds of ‘scope’ in clear-cut cases [12]; All additional eligibility criteria applying to the call that are specified in the Ideas work programme and in the call fiche.