Betekenis van:

to complicate
  • ingewikkeld maken
  • make more complicated
"There was a new development that complicated the matter"




to complicate
  • vervolmaken; perfectioneren
  • make more complex, intricate, or richer




to complicate
  • affineren
  • make more complex, intricate, or richer





  1. Don't complicate the matter.
  2. That will complicate matters more.
  3. Let us complicate things further.
  4. Don't complicate the problem by raising new issues.
  5. This diversity could complicate the work of the practitioner and hamper judicial cooperation.
  6. This would complicate decommissioning works, adding costs and potentially safety concerns.
  7. Authorisation procedures and formalities shall not be dissuasive and shall not unduly complicate or delay the provision of the service.
  8. The above suggests that the market positions of the merging firms on most downstream markets are relatively unstable, a circumstance which would complicate reaching agreement on terms of coordination.
  9. Moreover the constraints imposed by the Regulation as regards the fulfilment of export formalities complicate the tasks of customs authorities in those Member States where electronic customs systems are already applied.
  10. Significant gaps and differences in Member States’ laws in this area may hamper the fight against organised crime and terrorism, and may complicate effective police and judicial cooperation in the area of attacks against information systems.
  11. The Swedish authorities have chosen this criterion so as to not complicate the tax system and the application of it, as fishing trips already by nature constitute the business of a fisherman.
  12. Indeed, because the Sellafield site would not be in a position to start waste reprocessing for several power plants at such short notice, temporary storage solutions would have to be provided. This would complicate decommissioning works, adding costs and potentially safety concerns.
  13. authorisation by, registration with or membership of a professional organisation or body. In order to facilitate the application of disciplinary provisions in force on their territory according to Article 5(3), Member States may provide either for automatic temporary registration with or for pro forma membership of such a professional organisation or body, provided that such registration or membership does not delay or complicate in any way the provision of services and does not entail any additional costs for the service provider.
  14. Complex situations linked to the diverse forms of public and private undertakings granted special or exclusive rights or entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest as well as the range of activities that might be carried on by a single undertaking and the different degrees of market liberalisation in the various Member States could complicate application of the competition rules, and particularly Article 86 of the Treaty.
  15. In order to facilitate the application of disciplinary provisions in force on their territory according to Article 5(3), Member States may provide either for automatic temporary registration with or for pro forma membership of such a professional organisation or body, provided that such registration or membership does not delay or complicate in any way the provision of services and does not entail any additional costs for the service provider.