Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • met gelijke inhoud
  • occurring or operating at the same time



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • bereid tot samenwerking
  • occurring or operating at the same time



  1. Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling.
  2. Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling
  3. The public and private capital contributions are therefore plainly concurrent.
  4. Table 1 Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling
  5. If there are several concurrent injuries in your scenario, include them all in that same scenario.
  6. Concurrent or simultaneous use may be allowed if supported by appropriate studies.
  7. Table 1 Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling.
  8. Table 1 Summary of the schemes to be used for concurrent sampling Sampling scheme Frequency Group 1
  9. Active State The state in which the computer is carrying out useful work in response to (a) prior or concurrent user input or (b) prior or concurrent instruction over the network.
  10. Concurrent sampling sampling all or a predefined assemblage of species, simultaneously in a vessel's catches or landings.
  11. Finally, the Netherlands underline that disparities are inherent in the concurrent existence of non-harmonised tax systems.
  12. concurrent sampling sampling all or a predefined assemblage of species, simultaneously in a vessel’s catches or landings;
  13. Concurrent sampling sampling all or a predefined assemblage of species, simultaneously in a vessel's catches or landings. (c)
  14. In particular, the related and concurrent increase in capital of all shareholders for the sum of EUR 35 million took place on 31 May 2006.
  15. The clinical signs are very variable and are influenced by factors such as the virulence of the infecting virus, the species affected, age, sex, concurrent diseases and environment.