Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act




    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)




      Zelfstandig naamwoord
        • a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose




        1. He was charged with conspiracy.
        2. To be frank, I think this 'conspiracy theory' is nonsense.
        3. Some people see a conspiracy behind almost everything.
        4. Without a moment's hesitation, they took drastic action against the conspiracy.
        5. I think overestimating the people masterminding that conspiracy is exactly what they want.
        6. I want to see what's at the bottom of this conspiracy of silence.
        7. The Congressman broke the news of conspiracy and made no bones about taking drastic action against it.
        8. He has had absolutely no part in the conspiracy; it was not he, but his brother, who had an axe to grind against the government.
        9. When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want. That's a far more depressing thought.
        10. It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them.
        11. Article 1(3) of this Convention defines a ‘terrorist act’ as ‘any act which is a violation of the criminal laws of a State Party and which may endanger the life, physical integrity or freedom of, or cause serious injury or death to, any person, any number or group of persons or causes or may cause damage to public or private property, natural resources, environmental or cultural heritage and is calculated or intended to:i) intimidate, put in fear, force, coerce or induce any government, body, institution, the general public or any segment thereof, to do or abstain from doing any act, or to adopt or abandon a particular standpoint, or to act according to certain principles; orii) disrupt any public service, the delivery of any essential service to the public or to create a public emergency; oriii) create general insurrection in a State.’The definition in this Article also covers the financing of terrorism, insofar as it includes ‘any promotion, sponsoring, contribution to, command, aid, incitement, encouragement, attempt, threat, conspiracy, organizing, or procurement of any person, with the intent to commit any act referred to in [the preceding] paragraph.’