Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • convergerend
  • tending to come together from different directions


  1. Furthermore, the Committee of European Securities Regulators may issue guidance in order to secure convergent application of this Directive and Directive 2004/39/EC by competent authorities.
  2. If the diameter of the measuring zone is greater than the diameter of the exhaust pipe, a pipe gradually convergent before the measuring zone is recommended.
  3. The Commission shall adopt measures to ensure the convergent application of the exemptions referred to in Article 1(4) and (5).
  4. The Committee of European Banking Supervisors shall establish guidelines in order to ensure a convergent use of estimates of PD and LGD as inputs when those estimates are based on the approach set out in point 5a of Annex V.
  5. According to the CRDTG, certain technical provisions included in Annexes V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XII to Directive 2006/48/EC need to be further specified in order to ensure a convergent application.
  6. Therefore they should encourage their competent national authorities to undertake further work to develop more advanced and sophisticated methods of assessing leverage aiming at the development of a convergent Community-wide approach.
  7. It is expected that the establishment of the European Supervisory Authority (European Securities and Markets Authority) will contribute to that goal by issuing a single rulebook and by fostering a more convergent approach regarding the scrutiny and approval of prospectuses.
  8. In particular, the Commission should be empowered to adopt implementing provisions in order to take account of inflation or technological and market developments and to ensure a convergent application of the exemptions under this Directive.
  9. According to the CRDTG, certain technical provisions included in Annexes I, II and VII of Directive 2006/49/EC need to be further specified in order to ensure their convergent application.
  10. The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) established by Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council [6], should provide the necessary support to ensure the convergent and effective implementation of the port State control system.
  11. These are the targets of the Community's information society policy, as highlighted in the i2010 initiative, aiming at a competitive convergent information economy in Europe, a significant rise in European investment in ICT research and innovation and a very high level of accessibility in the information society.
  12. Considering that these risk-measurement methodologies need further refinement, Member States are recommended to encourage their competent authorities to undertake further work with a view to elaborating more advanced and elaborated methods of risk-measurement and thus develop a convergent Community-wide approach.
  13. A convergent achromatic lens L2, corrected for spherical aberrations links the diaphragm Dτ with the receiver R; the diameter of the lens L2 shall be such that it does not diaphragm the light diffused by the sample in a cone with a half top angle of β/2 = 14 deg.
  14. Where relevant, estimates of PD and LGD as inputs to the Supervisory Formula Method shall be determined in accordance with Articles 84 to 89 of Directive 2006/48/EC or alternatively and subject to separate supervisory approval, based on estimates that are derived from an approach set out in point 5a of Annex V and that are in line with the quantitative standards for the Internal Ratings Based Approach. The Committee of European Banking Supervisors shall establish guidelines in order to ensure a convergent use of estimates of PD and LGD as inputs when those estimates are based on the approach set out in point 5a of Annex V.