Betekenis van:
cultivated land

cultivated land
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • arable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops





    1. They cultivated the land.
    2. Land set aside to comply with Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, and not cultivated, is also to be entered.
    3. Missing data Code 8: Not-cultivated land no longer used for production purposes for which the holding is entitled to financial aid
    4. Land set aside to comply with Council Regulations (EC) No 1251/1999 and (EC) No 1782/2003, and not cultivated, is also to be entered.
    5. The area under cultivation in this case is distributed between the crops in proportion to the area of the land they are cultivated on.
    6. ‘Combined cropping’ refers to a combination of crops that are cultivated on a parcel of agricultural land at the same time.
    7. The essential immovable fixed assets (the cultivated land and the buildings) were incorporated into what is known as a ‘Betrieb gewerblicher Art’ (a commercial institution established under public law and 100 % owned by the Land) and leased by the GmbH.
    8. all products referred to in Council Regulation (EC) No 318/2006 on condition that they are not obtained from sugar beet cultivated on land set aside, and that they do not contain products derived from sugar beet cultivated on land set aside.
    9. ‘Combined cropping’ refers to a combination of crops that are cultivated on a parcel of agricultural land at the same time. The area under cultivation in this case is distributed between the crops in proportion to the area of the land they are cultivated on.
    10. “Arable land”: shall mean land cultivated for crop production and land under set-aside, or maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, irrespective of whether or not that land is under greenhouses or under fixed or mobile cover;
    11. Results of monitoring and controls show that, in the period 2006-2009 approximately 24000 grassland farms corresponding to approximately 830000 ha of cultivated land were encompassed by the derogation.
    12. the consent holder shall ensure that monitoring includes data as to the area of land cultivated with Solanum tuberosum L. line EH92-527-1 and the quantity of harvested material;
    13. The first subparagraph shall not apply to land under permanent pasture to be afforested, if such afforestation is compatible with the environment and with the exclusion of plantations of Christmas trees and fast growing species cultivated in the short term.
    14. Land set aside to comply with Council Regulations (EC) No 1251/1999 and (EC) No 1782/2003, and not cultivated, is also to be entered. Includes also set-aside with green cover.
    15. The area under cultivation in this case is distributed between the crops in proportion to the area of the land they are cultivated on. The concepts of main and secondary areas are not applicable in this context.