Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
    "amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things"


    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • of superficial relevance if any
      "a digressive allusion to the day of the week"



      1. Since 2001, the trend in market share development for the Community industry is even digressive.
      2. option 3: aid limited to 5 years, either digressive or limited to 50 % of the eligible costs,
      3. option 4: aid limited to 5 years, either digressive or limited to 50 % of the eligible costs.
      4. No explanation has been provided by this exporter why this obviously digressive development of the Community industry’s free market share after 2000 should not be considered as negative.
      5. The dispatch price per kilo is digressive in relation to weight (the heavier a dispatch, the lower its price per kilo).
      6. Cyprus may, in addition to the complementary national direct payments, grant transitional and digressive national aid until the end of 2012.
      7. Ships thus depreciated may not benefit from the digressive depreciation scheme provided for in Article 64 of the Belgian Income Tax Code 1992.
      8. As the price per kg is digressive with weight, the rise in Sernam’s price per kilo has therefore also been more marked than that of the market.
      9. Cyprus may, in addition to the complementary national direct payments, grant transitional and digressive national aid until the end of 2012. This State aid shall be granted in a form similar to Community aid, such as decoupled payments.
      10. Inasmuch as the price per kilo is digressive with weight, if the average weight of Sernam’s dispatches rises significantly while the market price goes down, it could be expected that the value of Sernam’s price/kg indicator would drop substantially.
      11. In particular, operating aid has to target bottlenecks in regional development, to be proportional to the specific handicaps it seeks to alleviate, to be digressive, and to be limited in time.
      12. According to the Belgian authorities, the above figures bear out the view that the other flat-rate taxation schemes, although they have a digressive rate based on ships' tonnage, do not sufficiently take account of large ships.
      13. In particular, operating aid has to target bottlenecks in regional development, to be proportional to the specific handicaps it seeks to alleviate, to be digressive, and to be limited in time. [64] Case C-70/72, Commission v Germany, [1973] ECR 00813, point 13.
      14. However, this submission cannot be accepted, because it is based on an isolated focus 1999 versus the IP, which moreover neglects the exceptional nature of the increase in the year 2000. No explanation has been provided by this exporter why this obviously digressive development of the Community industry’s free market share after 2000 should not be considered as negative.
      15. However, in accordance with the third subparagraph of that Article, that period may be extended if it has been established that the objective of the measures will be achieved within a reasonable additional period, in which case the rate of the Union financial contribution shall be digressive over the years concerned.