Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • disseminatie
  • the act of dispersing or diffusing something




Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • dispersie
  • the act of dispersing or diffusing something





  1. Infectiveness, dispersal and colonisation ability
  2. the dispersal of ownership of shares and the existence of shareholders from different countries
  3. A terrorist-made, crude nuclear explosive device or a radiological dispersal device cannot be constructed without the material having been acquired as a result of illicit trafficking.
  4. The logs shall have been piled on an impervious surface under a gas-proof cover in such a way and to such a height as to ensure effective gas dispersal through the logs.
  5. Transport and intermediate storage of dry residues in the form of dust shall take place in such a way as to prevent dispersal of those residues in the environment.
  6. The origin of the strain, where relevant, its natural habitat including indications on the natural background level, life cycle and the possibilities for survival, colonisation, reproduction and dispersal must be evaluated.
  7. This can be achieved by, for instance, having the substances transported in sealed packagings so as to avoid dispersal, or the risk of toxic vapours leaking or accumulating in the vehicle.
  8. In this case, the aid is intended to remedy a number of structural handicaps affecting these wines, in particular a lack of awareness of the products among consumers, the small size and the dispersal of production facilities and the lack of means to improve market position.
  9. stressing the need to do everything possible to prevent the risk of nuclear terrorism, linked to possible terrorist access to nuclear weapons or materials that could be used in the manufacture of radiological dispersal devices and, in this context, stressing the need for compliance with obligations under Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004).
  10. The crucial point as far as transport is concerned is that safety is guaranteed. This can be achieved by, for instance, having the substances transported in sealed packagings so as to avoid dispersal, or the risk of toxic vapours leaking or accumulating in the vehicle.
  11. In order to encourage the dispersal of industries to less developed areas of the State, the GOM has been granting incentives to new expansion units set up in developing regions of the State, since 1964, under a scheme commonly known as the ‘Package Scheme of Incentives’.
  12. In order to avoid any risk of dispersal of pathogens and/or residues, Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 provides that animal by-products are to be processed, stored and kept separate in an approved and supervised plant designated by the Member State concerned or to be disposed of in a suitable manner.
  13. In order to encourage the dispersal of industries to the less developed areas of the State, the GOM has been granting incentives to new-expansion units set up in developing regions of the State, since 1964, under a scheme commonly known as the ‘Package scheme of incentives’.
  14. The ash of substances which are difficult to ash must be subjected to an initial ashing of at least three hours, cooled and then a few drops of 20 % solution of ammonium nitrate or water added to it (carefully, to avoid dispersal of the ash or the formation of lumps).
  15. stressing the need to do everything possible to prevent the risk of nuclear terrorism, linked to possible terrorist access to nuclear weapons or materials that could be used in the manufacture of radiological dispersal devices and, in this context, stressing the need for compliance with obligations under Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004). Calling for tighter security for high activity radioactive sources. Supporting G8 and IAEA action in this regard;