Betekenis van:

to distil
  • tot vloeistof doen verdichten
  • undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops
"The acid distills at a specific temperature"



to distil
  • extraheren
  • extract by the process of distillation
"distill the essence of this compound"




to distil
    • give off (a liquid)
    "The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound"



    to distil
    • distilleren, destilleren, stoken
    • extract by the process of distillation
    "distill the essence of this compound"




    to distil
    • condenseren
    • undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops
    "The acid distills at a specific temperature"



    to distil
    • destilleren, distilleren
    • undergo the process of distillation




    1. Distil off the solvent.
    2. Dreschel bottle D acting as a trap for any excess of acid which may distil over.’;
    3. Distil off the solvent, dry and proceed as indicated in the last paragraph of point 5.1.
    4. However, distilleries in Hungary do not currently have sufficient capacity to distil all by-products.
    5. Collect the light petroleum extract in a dry, weighed flask containing fragments of pumice stone. Distil off the solvent.
    6. Heat the wine to 80 °C with the heating mantle, distil and collect 45 to 50 ml of the distillate.
    7. Heat the wine to 80 °C with the heating mantle, distil and collect 45 to 50 ml of the distillate. Stabilize the chromatograph.
    8. Aniline: If the optical density in the blank test exceeds 0,022, distil the aniline over zinc dust, discarding the first and last 10 % fractions of the distillate.
    9. Distil off the solvents from the eluate on a rotary evaporator (5.13) with its water bath set at between 40 °C and 50 °C.
    10. Operate the distillation unit in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and distil off the ammonia liberated by the addition of the sodium hydroxide solution.
    11. Hungary should therefore be authorised to exempt certain categories of producers from the obligation to distil by-products of wine-making.
    12. Light heating oil for industrial and commercial uses, marine diesel and diesel used in rail traffic, other gas oil including heavy gas oils which distil between 380 °C and 540 °C and which are used as petrochemical feedstocks.
    13. Light heating oil for industrial and commercial uses, marine diesel and diesel used in rail traffic, other gas oil, including heavy gas oils which distil between 380 oC and 540 oC and which are used as petrochemical feedstocks.
    14. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1990/2004 [3] authorises Hungary to exempt certain categories of producers from the obligation to distil by-products of wine-making for the 2004/05 wine year.
    15. For the purposes of subheading 271011, ‘light oils and preparations’ are those of which 90 % or more by volume (including losses) distil at 210 °C (ASTM D 86 method).