Betekenis van:

to elute
    • wash out with a solvent, as in chromatography



    1. The column separates various components according to their boiling points so that they elute from the column at different times.
    2. Transfer the extract (5.2) quantitatively to the top of the prepared Amberlite column (5.3.1) and elute, discarding the eluate.
    3. Add 100 ml of methanol (3.8) to the column and allow 5 to 10 ml to elute, collecting the eluate in a 250 ml round-bottomed flask.
    4. Elute the methyl benzoquate from the column using 150 ml of methanesulfonic acid solution (3.4) and collect the column eluate in a 250 ml conical flask.
    5. Inject an aliquot portion (e.g. 20 μl) of the methanolic solution obtained in 5.4 and elute with the mobile phase (3.8).
    6. Discard the collected fractions and elute the compounds with 25 ml of a mixture of extraction solvent (3.12) and water, 80 + 20 (V + V).
    7. Inject an aliquot portion (e.g. 20 μl) of the methanolic solution obtained in 5.4 and elute with the mobile phase (3.9).
    8. Elute the robenidine from the column using 100 ml methanol (3.1), at a flow rate of 2 to 3 ml/minute and collect the eluate in a 250 ml round bottomed flask.
    9. Elute the robenidine from the column using 100 ml methanol (3.1), at a flow rate of 2 to 3 ml/minute and collect the eluate in a 250 ml round bottomed flask. Evaporate the methanol solution to dryness under reduced pressure at 40 oC by means of a rotary film evaporator (4.3).
    10. Inject an aliquot portion (e.g. 20 μl) of the methanolic solution obtained in 5.4 and elute with the mobile phase (3.9). Calculate the mean peak height (area) of several injections of the same sample solution and the mean peak heights (areas) of several injections of the calibration solutions (5.6.2). HPLC conditions The following conditions are offered for guidance; other conditions may be used provided that they give equivalent results.
    11. Inject an aliquot portion (e.g. 20 μl) of the methanolic solution obtained in 5.4 and elute with the mobile phase (3.8). Calculate the mean peak heights (areas) of several injections of the same sample solution and the mean peak heights (areas) of several injections of the calibration solutions (5.6.2). HPLC conditions The following conditions are offered for guidance; other conditions may be used provided that they give equivalent results.