Betekenis van:

to ensue
  • uitdraaien, uitlopen, uitpakken, vallen, uitmonden
  • issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end




to ensue
  • uitdraaien
  • issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end





  1. Consequently, there may be legitimate reasons which justify differentiated treatment and thus, where appropriate, the granting of the advantages which may ensue.
  2. .4 Such valves, doors and mechanisms shall be suitably marked to ensue that they may be properly used to provide maximum safety.
  3. the legislative amendments must ensue as soon as possible after the start of the 2005/2006 operating year and enter into force at the latest by 30 September 2006;
  4. the legislative amendments must ensue as soon as possible after the start of the 2002/2003 operating year and enter into force at the latest on 1 January 2004;
  5. In such cases, in order not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
  6. Since multiple copies of tubulin molecules are present in proliferating cells, in the presence of low concentration of the fungicides a limited number of tubulin molecules will be affected and consequently no toxicologically adverse effects will ensue.
  7. Since multiple copies of tubulin molecules are present in proliferating cells, in the presence of low concentration of the fungicides a limited number of tubulin molecules will be affected and consequently no toxicological adverse effects will ensue.
  8. The internal market and duty mechanism could, in exceptional circumstances, prove deficient. In such cases, in order not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
  9. In such cases, in order not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay. Such measures should comply with the international commitments of the Community.
  10. The combined court fees of a European order for payment procedure and of the ordinary civil proceedings that ensue in the event of a statement of opposition to a European order for payment in a Member State shall not exceed the court fees of ordinary civil proceedings without a preceding European order for payment procedure in that Member State.
  11. .3 The watertight doors and all mechanisms and indicators connected herewith, all valves, the closing of which is necessary to make a compartment watertight, and all valves the operation of which is necessary for damage control cross-connections shall be periodically inspected at sea at least once a week. .4 Such valves, doors and mechanisms shall be suitably marked to ensue that they may be properly used to provide maximum safety. 22 Entries in log (R 25)
  12. .3 The watertight doors and all mechanisms and indicators connected herewith, all valves, the closing of which is necessary to make a compartment watertight, and all valves the operation of which is necessary for damage control cross-connections shall be periodically inspected at sea at least once a week. .4 Such valves, doors and mechanisms shall be suitably marked to ensue that they may be properly used to provide maximum safety. 22 Entries in log (R 25) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS: .1 Hinged doors, portable plates, sidescuttles, gangway and cargo ports and other openings, which are required by these Regulations to be kept closed during navigation, shall be closed before the ship leaves the port. The time of closing and the time of opening (if permissible under these Regulations) shall be recorded in the logbook. .2 A record of all drills and inspections required by Regulation 21 shall be entered in the logbook with an explicit record of any defects which may be disclosed.
  13. .2 Television surveillance and a water leakage detection system shall be arranged to provide an indication to the navigation bridge and to the engine control station of any leakage through inner and outer bow doors, stern doors or any other shell doors which could lead to flooding of special category spaces or ro-ro cargo spaces. .3 Special category spaces and ro-ro cargo spaces shall be continuously patrolled or monitored by effective means, such as television surveillance, so that any movement of vehicles in adverse weather conditions and unauthorised access by passengers thereto can be detected whilst the ship is underway. .4 Documented operating procedures for closing and securing all shell doors, loading doors and other closing appliances which, if left open or not properly secured, could lead to flooding of a special category space or ro-ro cargo space, shall be kept on board and posted at an appropriate place. 21 Marking, periodical operation and inspection of watertight doors, etc. (R 24) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS: .1 Drills for the operating of the watertight doors, sidescuttles, valves and closing mechanisms of scuppers shall take place weekly. .2 All watertight doors in main transverse bulkheads, in use at sea, shall be operated daily. .3 The watertight doors and all mechanisms and indicators connected herewith, all valves, the closing of which is necessary to make a compartment watertight, and all valves the operation of which is necessary for damage control cross-connections shall be periodically inspected at sea at least once a week. .4 Such valves, doors and mechanisms shall be suitably marked to ensue that they may be properly used to provide maximum safety. 22 Entries in log (R 25) NEW CLASS B, C AND D AND EXISTING CLASS B SHIPS: