Betekenis van:
fire engine

fire engine
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • auto van brandweer
  • any of various large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire




fire engine
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • brandspuit, waterspuit
  • any of various large trucks that carry firemen and equipment to the site of a fire





  1. The house was ablaze when the fire engine arrived.
  2. The people there made way for the fire engine.
  3. A crowd soon gathered around the fire engine.
  4. Before the fire engine arrived, the whole house was burnt down.
  5. Fire-extinguishing system in engine rooms
  6. (Assuming the fire starts in the combustion engine)
  7. Between combustion engine and adjacent passenger/staff areas. (Assuming the fire starts in the combustion engine)
  8. Fire-extinguishing system in engine rooms made from steel or with equivalent properties
  9. Galleys, engine rooms and boiler rooms shall constitute separate fire detection zones.
  10. Between the drivers cab and the compartment to the rear of it (assuming the fire starts in the rear compartment). Between combustion engine and adjacent passenger/staff areas. (Assuming the fire starts in the combustion engine)
  11. For protecting engine rooms, boiler rooms and pump rooms, the following extinguishing agents may be used in permanently installed fire-fighting systems:
  12. .2 Fixed local application fire-fighting systems are to protect areas such as the following without the necessity of engine shutdown, personnel evacuation or sealing of spaces:
  13. (Assuming the fire starts in the combustion engine) Between compartments with electrical supply line and/or traction circuit equipment and passenger/staff area.
  14. The routing of electric cables for the fire alarm system through engine rooms and boiler rooms or other high fire risk areas is not permitted unless this is necessary for fire detection in those areas or connection to the corresponding power supply.
  15. For fire protection systems in cargo compartments, engine nacelles and auxiliary power units, on existing civil aircraft or on those being produced in accordance with an existing type certification, alternatives have also not yet been identified.