Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • aardmeetkunde
  • the branch of geology that studies the shape of the earth and the determination of the exact position of geographical points



  1. Instruments and appliances used in geodesy, topography, surveying ...
  2. Instruments and appliances used in geodesy, topography, surveying or levelling; hydrographic instruments
  3. Университет по архитектура, строителство и геодезия — София (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy — Sofia)
  4. Parts and accessories for surveying, geodesy, topography, levelling, photogrammetrical, hydro-, oceanographic, hydro-, meteorological, geophysical instruments excluding compasses
  5. the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехника” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.”
  6. Университет за архитектура, строителство и геодезия — София: специалности “Урбанизъм” и “Архитектура” (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy — Sofia: specialities “Urbanism” and “Architecture”) and all engineering specialties in the fields of: “конструкции на сгради и съоръжения” (construction of buildings and structures), “пътища” (roads), “транспорт” (transport), “хидротехника и водно строителство” (hydrotechnics and hydro constructions), “мелиорации и др.”
  7. the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехника” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.” (landscape etc.), in the construction area.
  8. (irrigation etc.); the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехника” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.”
  9. the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехниката” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.”
  10. (irrigation etc.); the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехниката” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.”
  11. Университет за архитектура, строителство и геодезия — София: специалности “Урбанизъм” и “Архитектура” (University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy — Sofia: specialities “Urbanism” and “Architecture”) and all engineering specialties in the fields of: “конструкции на сгради и съоръжения” (construction of buildings and structures), “пътища” (roads), “транспорт” (transport), “хидротехника и водно строителство” (hydrotechnics and hydro constructions), “мелиорации и др.” (irrigation etc.);
  12. the diplomas awarded by technical universities and institutions of higher education for construction in the fields of: “електро- и топлотехниката” (electro- and thermotechnics), “съобщителна и комуникационна техника” (telecommunication technics and technologies), “строителни технологии” (construction technologies), “приложна геодезия” (applied geodesy) and “ландшафт и др.” (landscape etc.) in the construction area).
  13. Providing the tools and creating the appropriate environment: ensuring safe and secure use of services, mainly through certification in key application domains; preparing and confirming the adequacy of services to new policies and legislation, including their implementation; addressing public regulated services according to the approved policy of access; developing essential digital topology, cartography, geodesy data and systems for use in navigation applications; addressing safety and security needs and requirements.