Betekenis van:
house painting

house painting
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • beeldende kunst met verf
  • the occupation of a house painter
"house painting was the only craft he knew"



house painting
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • werk voor of v.e. huisschilder
  • the occupation of a house painter
"house painting was the only craft he knew"




  1. This house needs painting.
  2. Your house needs painting.
  3. He's painting his house.
  4. I'm painting the house.
  5. I have a house that needs painting.
  6. A professional is painting the house.
  7. As regards painting of the sports cars, Italy provided an estimate of the cost of investing in a new paintshop at Modena to show that in-house painting at Modena would be cheaper than outsourcing and would therefore slightly increase the handicap at Cutro.
  8. To support this claim, Italy provided estimates of the investment and operating costs for in-house painting at Modena, showing that the impact of this change on the CBA was very small, and was in the direction of increasing Cutro’s handicap.