Betekenis van:

to inflict
    • impose something unpleasant





    1. Beavers rarely inflict damage on people.
    2. Was it necessary to inflict such a punishment on him?
    3. You should not inflict any injury on others on any account.
    4. In this situation, the uncontrolled introduction of transgenic plants into cultivation may inflict losses on farmers.
    5. The female hamster is larger and more aggressive than the male and can inflict serious injury on her mate.
    6. Pathogenicity: The ability of a micro-organism to cause disease and/or inflict damage on the host.
    7. a high level of fragmentation of Polish agriculture, where it is not possible to isolate GM crops from conventional and organic crops, thus posing the uncontrolled introduction of transgenic plants into cultivation may inflict losses on farmers,