Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • (p)lomp; grof gebouwd
  • having a sharply uneven surface or outline
"the jagged outline of the crags"



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed




    1. The jagged mountains were capped with snow.
    2. Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its jagged edges.
    3. The jagged edge ripped a hole in his trousers.
    4. Her coloring book lay limp, jagged with angular pink scribbles.
    5. The label on the packaging must bear in clear and legible characters, in addition to the Community logo and wording (in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1726/98 [2] as amended) and the information required by law, the following:‘Lardo di Colonnata’ followed by the words ‘Indicazione geografica protetta’ or ‘IGP’ in characters larger than those of any other wording on the packaging; the name, company name and address of the producer and the packer; the product logo, consisting of a 73 × 73 mm jagged-edged rhomboid, with, inside, a pig shown in profile, above which are mountain peaks.
    6. The label on the packaging must bear in clear and legible characters, in addition to the Community logo and wording (in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1726/98 [2] as amended) and the information required by law, the following:‘Lardo di Colonnata’ followed by the words ‘Indicazione geografica protetta’ or ‘IGP’ in characters larger than those of any other wording on the packaging; the name, company name and address of the producer and the packer; the product logo, consisting of a 73 × 73 mm jagged-edged rhomboid, with, inside, a pig shown in profile, above which are mountain peaks. In the centre of the space below appear the letters ‘IGP’ surmounted by the words ‘Lardo di Colonnata’ on two lines occupying a horizontal space of 73 mm. The areas around the images are green and pink and the lettering, in Galliard typeface, is black.