Betekenis van:
judicial review

judicial review
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court



    1. the agreement is subject to judicial review;
    2. where the persons concerned have had previous access to judicial review; or
    3. Decisions taken by regulatory authorities shall be fully reasoned and justified to allow for judicial review.
    4. may be made the subject of an appeal to or review by a judicial authority; and
    5. Review of the competent body's decision by a judicial authority shall be possible.
    6. Where bodies responsible for review procedures are not judicial in character, written reasons for their decisions shall always be given.
    7. This would be at odds with the principle that all parties should have the possibility of effective judicial review.
    8. This precludes neither judicial review nor parliamentary supervision in accordance with the constitutional laws of the Member States.
    9. This precludes neither judicial review nor parliamentary supervision in accordance with the constitutional law of the Member States.
    10. Applicants should be able to seek an administrative or judicial review of the acts or omissions of a public authority in relation to a request.
    11. Where an applicant for asylum is held in detention, Member States shall ensure that there is a possibility of speedy judicial review.
    12. Such conclusion is made on the basis of an objective analysis of substantiated evidence, as disclosed to the companies concerned, and subject to judicial review.
    13. Ensure that administrative decisions are based on transparent rules and that decisions based on discretionary powers are subject to effective administrative and judicial review.
    14. Provision shall be made for procedures whereby disputes as to the exercise of the right of reply or the equivalent remedies can be subject to judicial review.
    15. The decisions of the independent supervisory authority shall have binding effect, without prejudice to parliamentary or judicial review, as applicable in the Member States.