Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the process of leaching





    1. leaching fermented grape marc with water.
    2. the leaching behaviour of this active substance; and
    3. Since 2002-2003 leaching rates are almost constant.
    4. Leaching residues from zinc processing, dust and sludges such as jarosite, hematite, etc.
    5. Finally, the chemical durability of the matrices for conditioning of actinides will be determined from corrosion and leaching studies.
    6. Calculations on nitrate leaching based on survey and nutrient analysis in agricultural catchments, show that, in the period 1990-2006, nitrate leaching has been reduced by 40 % in loamy soils and by 49 % in sandy soils.
    7. strigosa is a crop proved to be among the most effective in reducing soil erosion, nitrogen leaching, in particular leaching of nitrates from agricultural sources, and it is an important component of seed mixtures for forage purposes.
    8. potential pH dependence of soil adsorption, groundwater leaching and surface water exposure for metabolites M01 and M02;
    9. the cadmium leaching rate, depending on the annual precipitation excess and the concentration of cadmium in the pore water leachate,
    10. This study will focus on nitrate leaching under intensive dairy production systems in vulnerable soil types (sand and sandy loam) in representative areas.
    11. Parameters related to nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soils (e.g., Nitrogen leaching fraction, emission factor for direct emissions, Nitrogen content in crop residues)
    12. In addition, information was insufficient to establish a definitive AOEL and to assess the leaching of a relevant metabolite to groundwater.
    13. on sand and loess soil, grass or other crops ensuring soil coverage during the winter shall be cultivated after maize in order to substantially reduce leaching potential;
    14. evaluation of metals, oxyanion and salt leachability over time by pH dependence leaching test, and/or percolation test and/or time-dependent release and/or other suitable testing,
    15. for sulphide-containing waste, static or kinetic tests shall be carried out in order to determine acid-rock drainage and metal leaching over time.