Betekenis van:

to liken
  • gelijkschakelen
  • consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous




  1. In the Commission's opinion, it is, in fact, difficult to liken Wfa's transfer to any instrument available on the market at that time because of its special nature.
  2. This principal classification does not, however, rule out the possibility that the Commission might, because of its particularities, liken part of that equity which cannot be used by WestLB in the same way as ‘normal’ equity to a guarantee for the purpose of calculating an appropriate remuneration.
  3. To support this view, it argues that the takeover of the assets, of the type of activity and of the goodwill of the three subsidiaries as well as of their material and human resources, and in particular of the charges resulting from social security legislation (i.e. the asbestos-related early retirements), makes it possible to liken SORENI to the three subsidiaries, i.e. to an existing firm.