Betekenis van:

to materialise
  • verstoffelijken
  • come into being; become reality




to materialise
  • materialiseren
  • come into being; become reality





  1. Some risks that were envisaged did not materialise.
  2. Nevertheless, when the cleaner is handled properly, the hazard does not materialise.
  3. The hazard of the product may not then materialise, and the product risk could be minor.
  4. However, this theoretical ceiling is based on the assumption that all the risks will, in fact, materialise in full.
  5. This hazard, however, does not always materialise, since many people climb ladders without falling off and injuring themselves.
  6. The ‘probability of injury’ is the probability that injury scenario may indeed materialise during the expected lifetime of the product.
  7. The question arises of how a rational investor would react if the expected positive return does not materialise.
  8. However, this failed to materialise, as the Commission did not receive any further correspondence on the matter.
  9. Where several risks are linked to the same product, one of them is obviously more likely to materialise and causes an injury.
  10. Finally, this additional adjustment might become even higher if a number of uncertainties regarding the macroeconomic scenario for 2005 and the fiscal outturn for 2004 materialise.
  11. The Commission also notes that regarding the BGB case, the Commission conducted an in-depth analysis on the probability that the guaranteed risks would materialise.
  12. The Commission stated that in the notification the Italian authorities had not clearly demonstrated that the environmental benefits which the scheme was intended to promote would materialise.
  13. All these risks are inherent in the restructuring plan and, should they materialise, cannot be considered ‘unforeseeable circumstances’ within the meaning of paragraph 48 of the guidelines.
  14. The Commission considers, in the light of the information supplied by the French authorities, that the pessimistic scenario is unlikely to materialise.
  15. The Thessaloniki European Council of 19 and 20 June 2003endorsed the introduction of the European Partnerships as a means to materialise the European perspective of the Western Balkan countries within the framework of the stabilisation and association process.