Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • heel zenuwachtig
  • affected by a disorder of the mind
"a mental patient"
"mental illness"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • te maken hebbend met psychiatrie
  • affected by a disorder of the mind
"a mental patient"
"mental illness"
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • involving the mind or an intellectual process
    "mental images of happy times"
    "mental calculations"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • of or relating to the mind
      "mental powers"
      "mental development"
      Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
        • of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks
        Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
          • of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw



          1. Buncranna is mental!
          2. I need some mental stimulation.
          3. His mental development was slow.
          4. I had a mental breakdown.
          5. His trouble was chiefly mental.
          6. She was sent to a mental hospital.
          7. We need mental skills, not manual ones.
          8. He was sent to a mental hospital.
          9. The boy's problems are physical, not mental.
          10. He has endured physical and mental pain.
          11. A high forehead is indicative of great mental power.
          12. The people of your country have no mental discipline.
          13. Air traffic controllers are under severe mental strain.
          14. I had a mental blow at that time.
          15. An empty stomach doesn't help on the mental front.