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Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election



    1. Thus, the subsidy amount (nominator) has to be allocated over the total export turnover during the IP because the subsidy is contingent upon export performance.
    2. Thus, the subsidy amount (nominator) has to be allocated over the export turnover of the product concerned during the IP because the subsidy is contingent upon export performance.
    3. Where justified claims were made, fees necessarily incurred to obtain the subsidy were deducted from the credits so established to arrive at the subsidy amount as nominator, pursuant to Article 7(1)(a) of the basic Regulation.
    4. Where justified claims were maid, fees necessarily incurred to obtain the subsidy were deducted in accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of the basic Regulation from this sum to arrive at the subsidy amount as nominator.
    5. The subsidy amount was calculated on the basis of import duties foregone (basic customs duty and special additional customs duty) on the material imported under the ALS physical exports for the product concerned during the review investigation period with fees necessarily incurred to obtain the subsidy deducted in accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of the basic Regulation (nominator).
    6. The subsidy amount for the exporter which used the AAS was calculated on the basis of import duties forgone (basic customs duty and special additional customs duty) on the material imported under the two sub-schemes used for the product concerned during the RIP (nominator).
    7. This subsidy amount (nominator) has been allocated over the total export turnover during the RIP as appropriate denominator in accordance with Article 7(2) of the basic Regulation, because the subsidy is contingent upon export performance and it was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported.
    8. In accordance with Article 7(2) and 7(3) of the basic Regulation this subsidy amount (nominator) has been allocated over the export turnover during the RIP as appropriate denominator, because the subsidy is contingent upon export performance and it was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported.
    9. This subsidy amount (nominator) has been allocated over the total turnover during the RIP as appropriate denominator in accordance with Article 7(2) of the basic Regulation, because this subsidy relates to all sales, domestic and export, and it was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported.
    10. The amount of the total subsidy (nominator) has been allocated over total export sales during the review investigation period (denominator) in accordance with Article 7(2) of the basic Regulation, since this subsidy was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported.
    11. The subsidy amount was calculated on the basis of import duties foregone (basic customs duty and special additional customs duty) on the material imported under the ALS physical exports for the product concerned during the review investigation period with fees necessarily incurred to obtain the subsidy deducted in accordance with Article 7(1)(a) of the basic Regulation (nominator). This amount has been allocated over the export turnover generated by the product concerned during the review investigation period in accordance with Article 7(2) of the basic Regulation (denominator), since this subsidy was not granted by reference to the quantities manufactured, produced, exported or transported.