Betekenis van:

to outbid
    • bid higher than others


    to outbid
      • bid over an opponent's bid when one's partner has not bid or doubled



      1. The subsequent investigation did not provide evidence that the public broadcasters have outbid the commercial broadcasters, nor that public service broadcasters have acquired rights to a football event to an extent liable to close the market off to the competitors.
      2. Moreover, the fact that there is competition between certain European producers does not mean that the Chinese dumped import prices have not forced those producers to outbid each other even more than they would do in a situation of fair competition by the Chinese producers, and thus to sell at unsustainable prices.
      3. The subsequent investigation did not provide evidence that the public broadcasters have outbid the commercial broadcasters, nor that public service broadcasters have acquired rights to a football event to an extent liable to close the market off to the competitors. Indeed, examples were found of important football rights held by commercial broadcasters during the period under investigation (see paragraph 55).