Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • far more than usual or expected
    "it was an over-the-top experience"



    1. That's quite over the top.
    2. That toast was over the top.
    3. The beer foamed over the top of the glass.
    4. You're over-the-top in everything you do.
    5. Sorry, "my hands shuddered with the cold" was a bit over the top.
    6. The mountain whose top you can see over there is Mt. Fuji.
    7. On top of the statue, Sadako is holding a golden crane over her head.
    8. Tom shouted at the top of his lungs so Mary could hear him over the sound of the waterfall.
    9. The 80's called and they want their big hair and over the top eye make-up back.
    10. I ended up going over the top, drinking too much and having a terrible hangover the next day.
    11. I put roll-on antiperspirant all over my body. If sweat starts squirting out the top of my head, you know why.
    12. A capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall with a thickness of 0,6 m or more (over-the-wall operation).
    13. A capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall with a thickness of 0,6 m or more (over-the-wall operation).
    14. A capability of bridging over the top of a hot cell wall with a thickness of 0,3 m or more (over the wall operation).
    15. To that extent, applying a top-up (premium) in respect of the volume of Wfa's transfer would inadmissibly allow for this aspect twice over.