Betekenis van:

to oversee
  • toezicht houden, bewaken
  • watch and direct
"Who is overseeing this project?"




to oversee
  • beheer voeren; taak hebben
  • watch and direct
"Who is overseeing this project?"





  1. oversee preparation of the ITER project site;
  2. oversee the selection procedure for KICs;
  3. oversee the Internet Based Advanced Distanced Learning (IDL) System;
  4. oversee the Internet-Based Advanced Distanced Learning (IDL) System;
  5. oversee the implementation of the SIA and rolling triennial work programme;
  6. oversee the Director’s performance including the implementation of Management Board decisions;
  7. oversee the evaluation and selection process of the calls for proposals;
  8. Develop a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy, including the fight against high-level corruption, and a central body to oversee and monitor its implementation, including through establishing statistical data.
  9. The Governing Board shall have overall responsibility for the operations of the ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and shall oversee the implementation of its activities.
  10. CIL was appointed manager of the joint-ownership vehicle and, in return for payment, would oversee the construction of the vessel and its operation after delivery.
  11. The Governing Board shall have overall responsibility for the operations of the IMI Joint Undertaking and shall oversee the implementation of its activities.
  12. The role of the PIOB is to oversee the process leading to the adoption of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and other public interest activities of the IFAC.
  13. an Executive Committee which shall oversee the running of the EIT and take such decisions as are necessary between meetings of the Governing Board;
  14. All Member States, the European Parliament and the Commission should be represented on a Governing Board in order to oversee effectively the functions of the Foundation.
  15. the management of the SA must properly oversee the controls undertaken by the staff of the company in the third countries of destination;