Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • involving direct communication or contact between persons or parties
    "a person-to-person interview"
    "person-to-person telephone calls"
      • (of two persons) in direct encounter
      "interviewed her person-to-person"



      1. Music preferences vary from person to person.
      2. Opinions vary from person to person.
      3. Crowd sourcing varies from person to person.
      4. It's best to make international calls person to person.
      5. Make it a person-to-person call, please.
      6. The story lived on, passed from person to person.
      7. Tastes in music vary from person to person.
      8. Ken seems to be a friendly person.
      9. He was the last person to arrive.
      10. We need another person to play cards.
      11. Each person has a duty to do.
      12. You seem to be a kind person.
      13. I want to be an honest person.
      14. Ken appears to be a friendly person.
      15. Give your carpet to that person.