Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • tenger
  • very small
"her petite figure"



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a garment size for short or slender women



    1. Akane Oda got her start in a petite miss beauty contest.
    2. The catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont de l’Espine dam at Argelouse,
    3. the catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont de l’Espine dam at Argelouse,
    4. The catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont de l’Espine dam at Argelouse.
    5. The catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont-de-l’Espine dam at Argelouse
    6. the catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont de l'Espine dam at Argelouse,
    7. The catchment area of the Petite Leyre (Landes), from the source to the Pont de l’Espine dam at Argelouse
    8. Ministère de l'économie, des finances et de l'industrie — Direction de l'action régionale et de la petite et moyenne industrie — Sous-direction de la métrologie