Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • proces van porto aanbrengen
  • payment in advance


Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • vooruitbetaling, prenumeratie
  • payment in advance



  1. Prepayment risk and surrender risk.
  2. limit the financial risks connected with prepayment.
  3. Prepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims
  4. Prepayment systems shall be fair and adequately reflect likely consumption.
  5. Prepayment of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims (M89)
  6. if the entity schedules items with different prepayment characteristics in a way that takes account of the differences in prepayment behaviour.
  7. Conversely, when the portfolio contains many items, the prepayment behaviour can be predicted more accurately.
  8. In that case no prepayment or interim payment may be made.
  9. Those early prepayment conditions can only be applied to the repayment of EUR 5 billion (that is to say 50 % of the initial capital injection).
  10. how the entity estimates repricing dates, including what interest rate assumptions underlie estimates of prepayment rates and the basis for changing those estimates.
  11. Expected prepayment patterns for financial assets and expected surrender patterns for financial liabilities can be estimated on the basis of historical data.
  12. A guarantee shall be required in return for any prepayment exceeding EUR 150000 or in the cases referred to in Article 42(6).
  13. For example, it may use a prepayment rate multiplier for allocating amortising loans to time periods based on expected repricing dates.
  14. the greater the frequency with which the amount of the hedging instrument is adjusted to reflect changes in the hedged item (eg because of changes in prepayment expectations).
  15. Items that were originally scheduled into a repricing time period may be derecognised because of earlier than expected prepayment or writeoffs caused by impairment or sale.