Betekenis van:

to readjust
  • in orde brengen
  • adjust again after an initial failure



to readjust
    • adjust anew
    "After moving back to America, he had to readjust"




    1. Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified in paragraph 1.2 or 1.3 of this Annex.
    2. Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified in paragraph 1.3. above.
    3. Readjust the pressure to the level specified in paragraph 1.2 above.
    4. Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified in paragraph 1.3 of this Annex.
    5. Readjust the tyre pressure to that specified in paragraph 1.2. or 1.3. above.
    6. It is necessary to regularly update the data requirements and to readjust the level of breakdown required to meet changing needs due to economic and technical developments.
    7. In sum, according to interested parties, the 2003 tax realignment scheme did not provide an advantage to the restructured banks but it was a measure to readjust the disparity between the considerably harsher tax realignment regime of restructured banks under Law 218/1990 and the more generous regime of gains distributed by reorganised companies under the general regime of D.Lgs.
    8. In sum, according to interested parties, the 2003 tax realignment scheme did not provide an advantage to the restructured banks but it was a measure to readjust the disparity between the considerably harsher tax realignment regime of restructured banks under Law 218/1990 and the more generous regime of gains distributed by reorganised companies under the general regime of D.Lgs. 358/1997.