Betekenis van:

to recalculate
  • (opnieuw) berekenen
  • calculate anew
"The costs had to be recalculated"



  1. Thus there is no reason to recalculate the subsidy and duty rates of these companies.
  2. If we recalculate with that assumption, the overall probability is 0,000135, which translates into > 1/10000.
  3. These figures are based on the estimated costs, the NRW authorities would recalculate these amounts based on the actual costs.
  4. If we recalculate with that assumption, the overall probability is 0,000135, which translates into > 1/10000. Nevertheless, the risk is still serious.
  5. For the purposes of the present decision, it is not necessary to recalculate exactly all the real net costs incurred by RTP in performing its public service obligations.
  6. Five of the six cooperating companies confirmed having received funds through one or both of the DEPB and EPCG schemes The remaining company refused to provide information unless the Commission agreed to recalculate the level of subsidy.
  7. Having examined this claim, it was considered appropriate to recalculate the normal value to take into account the differences in physical characteristics between product types sold on the Norwegian domestic market and those exported from the PRC to the Community.
  8. In particularly, a description of the auxiliary variables or information used should be reported in order to recalculate the final weights within Eurostat since it is needed for variance estimation.
  9. If the risk level does not seem plausible, or if you are uncertain about the severity of injury(ies) or about the probability(ies), move them one level up and down and recalculate the risk.
  10. If the latest 3 month average of the five year inter-bank swap rates available, plus 75 basis points, differs by more than 15 % from the State aid recovery interest rate in force, the Authority shall recalculate the latter.
  11. However, no exporter whose products are subject to the duty has claimed that it did not understood, during the original investigation, that also castings of ductile iron were covered, and that, therefore, now, an additional review should be launched to recalculate the duty applicable to his products, including those of ductile iron.
  12. Description of the calculation of the final weights including non-response model and auxiliary variables used, estimator used, e.g. Horvitz-Thompson estimator, variance of the estimates according to the sample strata, variance estimation software, in particular, a description of the auxiliary variables or information used should be reported in order to recalculate the final weights within Eurostat since it is needed for variance estimation.
  13. It also submitted a new decision of the Federal Board of Revenue issued on 27 July 2010 setting the customs duty on imports of PTA (raw material used for PET) at the rate of 3 % and argued that the institutions were bound by law to recalculate the subsidy margin established for the Manufacturing Bond scheme.
  14. For the purposes of the present decision, it is not necessary to recalculate exactly all the real net costs incurred by RTP in performing its public service obligations. It is sufficient to demonstrate that the total state financing received by RTP in the period 1992 to 1998 did not exceed the net extra costs incurred by the undertaking in fulfilling over the same period the public service tasks referred to.