Betekenis van:

to reimburse
  • geld teruggeven; vergoeden
  • pay back for some expense incurred
"Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel?"


to reimburse
  • zich schadeloosstellen, terugvorderen
  • reimburse or compensate (someone), as for a loss



to reimburse
  • rembourseren
  • pay back for some expense incurred
"Can the company reimburse me for my professional travel?"



  1. Your school is so kind to reimburse you for the return airfare.
  2. reimburse the visa fee, and
  3. and the company must reimburse: (5) * (1)
  4. According to the schedule, Piaggio can reimburse until 2009.
  5. and the company must reimburse: (5) * (2)/(1)
  6. Cumulated 2005 budgetary outturn to reimburse to the EC
  7. Part of the subsidy to reimburse to EC
  8. Risk of circumvention of the obligation to reimburse incompatible aid
  9. Aermacchi must reimburse the entire outstanding principal by 2010.
  10. The company is obliged to reimburse the GOI for the salary of such permanent bond officer.
  11. In 2008, therefore, Alenia will have to reimburse the outstanding principal, worth ITL 29244 million.
  12. It is appropriate to reimburse costs incurred on the laboratory testing, subject to a ceiling.
  13. The Agency shall reimburse the Member States for the certification tasks they provide on its behalf.
  14. The participating State shall indicate what percentage of the costs it will reimburse.
  15. The precise rate used to reimburse payments is the ratio (f).