Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • in or relating to the retina of the eye
    "retinal cells"
    Zelfstandig naamwoord
      • either of two yellow to red retinal pigments formed from rhodopsin by the action of light




      1. I had retinal detachment five years ago.
      2. retinal damage
      3. retinal burn
      4. retinal damage 2.2
      5. Subconjunctival, subungual and retinal haemorrhages
      6. 400 — 700 Thermal b Retinal damage
      7. 400 — 600 Photochemical b Retinal damage
      8. Apparent source is the real or virtual object that forms the smallest possible retinal image.
      9. All racks should have shaded tops to reduce the risk of retinal degeneration.
      10. All racks should have shaded tops to reduce the risk of retinal degeneration. This is of particular importance for albino animals.
      11. Apparent source is the real or virtual object that forms the smallest possible retinal image. Table 1.1 Exposure limit values for non-coherent optical radiation Note 1:
      12. The photochemical retinal hazard limit may also be expressed as a time integrated radiance G = 106 CB [J m-2 sr-1] for t > 10s up to t = 10 000 s and L = 100 CB [W m-2 sr-1] for t > 10 000 s. For the measurement of G and L γm must be used as averaging field of view.
      13. The photochemical retinal hazard limit may also be expressed as a time integrated radiance G = 106 CB [J m-2 sr-1] for t > 10s up to t = 10 000 s and L = 100 CB [W m-2 sr-1] for t > 10 000 s. For the measurement of G and L γm must be used as averaging field of view. The official border between visible and infrared is 780 nm as defined by the CIE.
      14. For T1 and T2 see Table 2.5. The photochemical retinal hazard limit may also be expressed as a time integrated radiance G = 106 CB [J m-2 sr-1] for t > 10s up to t = 10 000 s and L = 100 CB [W m-2 sr-1] for t > 10 000 s. For the measurement of G and L γm must be used as averaging field of view.