Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • roodborstje
  • large American thrush having a rust-red breast and abdomen



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • small Old World songbird with a reddish breast




    1. Batman is friends with Robin.
    2. Robin is really adorable when he sleeps.
    3. Robin looks very cute when he's sleeping.
    4. We are familiar with the legend of Robin Hood.
    5. By the way, are you called Robin as well?
    6. Batman and Robin are the only heros in Gotham.
    7. The Caped Crusader is friends with Robin, the boy Wonder.
    8. Some people describe Tom as a cross between Robin Hood and Zorro.
    9. Robin is one of the most famouse songbirds that live in united kingdom
    10. In the spring, when the days grew longer and the sun warmer, she waited for the first robin to return from the south.
    11. Swynnerton's robin
    12. Swynnerton’s robin
    13. Robin Hood Aviation
    14. Swynnerton’s robin Turdus dissimilis
    15. Swynnerton's robin Turdus dissimilis