Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bepaalde bacterie in voedsel
  • rod-shaped Gram-negative enterobacteria; cause typhoid fever and food poisoning; can be used as a bioweapon




  1. Tom's grandmother died from salmonella.
  2. Salmonella outbreaks blemished spinach importers' reputation for running clean factories.
  3. It is essential to prevent salmonella contamination in hen egg production.
  4. Salmonella
  5. Salmonella gallinarum;
  6. Salmonella spp.
  7. salmonella typhi;
  8. Salmonella typhi;
  9. Salmonella pullorum;
  10. Flocks of breeding poultry: Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Hadar, Salmonella Virchow and Salmonella Infantis.
  11. Salmonella control programme:
  12. Serotyping of Salmonella
  13. Phage typing of Salmonella
  14. Salmonella control programme: ‘P1’
  15. Serotyping salmonella isolates