Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • krassend geluid
  • a harsh noise made by scraping



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gekras, kattegejank, kattengejank
  • a harsh noise made by scraping



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • schraapsel, afschraapsel, schrapsel
  • a harsh noise made by scraping



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • schrapen, krassen, zagen
  • a harsh noise made by scraping




  1. I can hear a cat scratching at the window.
  2. The chickens were scratching for food on the ground.
  3. Tom could hear the cat scratching the door.
  4. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.
  5. He has the habit of scratching his head.
  6. I bought a new scratching post for my cat.
  7. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.
  8. He has a habit of scratching his back and biting his nails.
  9. Handling should be minimised and, when required, should be done with care to avoid scratching or soiling of the filter.
  10. Wild quail live in small social groups and devote much of their time to scratching and foraging for seeds and invertebrates on the ground.
  11. Behaviours that are most important to the species are nesting (in females), perching and using litter for foraging, scratching, pecking and dustbathing.
  12. It was also claimed that exporting producers in the PRC are producing to a large extent handmade or special candles with further refining operations, such as printing, scratching and lacquering.
  13. Domestication does not appear substantially to have altered quail behaviour, so it is essential to design housing systems that respect this and allow the provision of substrate for scratching, pecking and dustbathing, nestboxes and cover wherever possible.
  14. Domestication does not appear substantially to have altered quail behaviour, so it is essential to design housing systems that respect this and allow the provision of substrate for scratching, pecking and dustbathing, nestboxes and cover wherever possible. The housing of quail in aviaries or pens as opposed to cages is therefore strongly recommended.