Betekenis van:

to sic
    • urge to attack someone
    "The owner sicked his dogs on the intruders"
    "the shaman sics sorcerers on the evil spirits"



      • intentionally so written (used after a printed word or phrase)


      1. If you trespass on his property, he'll sic his dogs on you.
      2. Silicon carbide (SiC); or
      3. Navarro SiC, SA (Spain);
      4. Navarro SiC, SA (Spain).
      5. Amendments to SIC 27
      6. SIC-15 Operating Leases — Incentives
      7. SIC-7 Introduction of the Euro
      8. SIC-32 is amended as described below.
      9. SIC-29 Disclosure — Service Concession Arrangements
      10. SIC-7 is amended as described below.
      11. SIC-32 Intangible Assets — Website Costs
      12. SIC-25 is amended as described below.
      13. Lacul Știucilor - Sic - Puini - Valea Legiilor
      14. SIC-29 Service Concession Arrangements: Disclosures
      15. Moreover, ESK-SIC GmbH sells its own SiC but also SiC produced by Kollo Silicon carbide BV Therefore both companies are considered as forming one group.