Betekenis van:

to simplify
  • versoberen
  • make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent
"We had to simplify the instructions"
"this move will simplify our lives"



to simplify
  • vereenvoudigen, versimpelen, vergemakkelijken
  • make simpler or easier or reduce in complexity or extent
"We had to simplify the instructions"
"this move will simplify our lives"




  1. Strive to simplify everything.
  2. Simplify your life. Take advice from native speakers.
  3. Simplify court procedures.
  4. Further simplify company registration procedures.
  5. a law to simplify the start-up of new businesses;
  6. Simplify as far as possible the administrative procedures and arrangements for examining resources and situations.
  7. Improve communication with taxpayers, and simplify tax structure and procedures, including refund procedures.
  8. Furthermore, procedures for the activation of deposit insurance should be modified to simplify and accelerate payouts.
  9. recast and simplify the legislation in statistical areas with complex Community legislation, and
  10. Steps should therefore be taken to clarify and simplify the procedures for authorising vehicles.
  11. Simplify the rules for market entry and market exit of enterprises.
  12. It is also appropriate to simplify the table in Annex I to Decision 2003/804/EC.
  13. Their adoption should be entrusted to the Commission in order to simplify and expedite the procedure.
  14. simplify the fragmented pension system and introduce universally binding legislation on entitlement, contributions, accumulation and indexing;
  15. Such reviews will aim to simplify statistical requirements and reduce the response burden.