Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • mbt. de maatschappij; maatschappelijk
  • relating to human society and its members
"societal evolution"
"societal forces"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • in groepen levend
  • relating to human society and its members
"societal evolution"
"societal forces"



  1. The point of hipster subculture is to avoid conforming to societal norms.
  2. societal risks.
  3. NRVs for societal risk (NRV 6)
  4. Moreover, the activity will focus on related challenges and the societal context and acceptance of nanotechnology.
  5. Knowledge of societal conventions, and the cultural aspect and variability of languages is important.
  6. Societal repercussions of major natural hazards will be quantified, including impacts on ecosystems.
  7. The Netherlands recalls its calculation of the societal rate of return on the subsidy (12 %).
  8. Broader engagement to anticipate and clarify political, societal and ethical issues
  9. The broad societal and economic implications and issues will be addressed, including societal and economic potential of active ageing, the effects on pension systems, the challenges of migration and integration and the implications for urban development.
  10. The research priorities address key societal, economic and cultural challenges facing Europe and the world now and in the future.
  11. The performance scheme should be set up and operated with a long-term view on the high-level societal goals.
  12. encourage a societal dialogue on research policy, and stimulate civil society organisations to become more involved in research activities,
  13. Activities will also investigate the impact of nano-technology on society and the relevance of nano-science and technology for the solution of societal problems.
  14. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, a specific type of short-range devices, offers potentially significant economic and societal benefits in Europe.
  15. On these points, it should be analysed first whether these are genuine market failures which prevent the market to deliver the maximum outcome in terms of societal welfare.