Betekenis van:
stick by

to stick by
  • aankleven, adhereren
  • be loyal to





  1. The rat was killed by Tom with a stick.
  2. The monkey took a banana by means of the stick.
  3. Try to pull out the worm by turning it around with a match stick.
  4. What police thought was a distressed cat turned out to be a man practicing the cuica, a drum which produces noise by rubbing a stick attached to the drumhead from the inside.
  5. Ginning equipment means all specific equipment used for the transformation of unginned cotton into ginned cotton and its by-products, including feeders, dryers, cleaners, stick machines, gins, condensers, lint cleaners and bale presses.
  6. Counterparties have to stick to the selected source for a minimum period of one year so as to preclude ‘hopping’ between credit assessments (i.e. looking for the best credit assessment that guarantees eligibility among all available sources or systems on a debtor-by-debtor basis).
  7. Counterparties have to stick to the selected source for a minimum period of one year so as to preclude ‘hopping’ between credit assessments (i.e. looking for the best credit assessment that guarantees eligibility among all available sources or systems on a debtor-by-debtor basis). Counterparties wishing to change credit assessment sources after the minimum period of one year have to submit a reasoned request to the relevant NCB.