Betekenis van:
take root

to take root
  • in herinnering blijven
  • become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style




to take root
  • aarden
  • become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style





take root


  1. My teacher taught me that you can take the square root of a negative number.
  2. The better regulation culture has begun to take root in the EU.
  3. The weight factor, expressed as a figure taken to two decimal places, shall be the square root of the quotient obtained by dividing by fifty the number of metric tons in the maximum certificated take-off weight of the aircraft as shown in the certificate of airworthiness or any equivalent official document provided by the aircraft operator.
  4. With regard to the quality system of the carrier, the EC team found in its report that the organization could not demonstrate that all aspects of the maintenance and flight operational processes are audited on a regular basis; actions implemented do not always take the root cause into account and there is no overall system to control the open findings (internal and external audits including Ukraine SAA findings).
  5. Member States conducting sample surveys in order to obtain statistics shall take all necessary steps to ensure that Table 1 data meet the following precision requirements: the coefficient of variation of the data to be provided by 30 September of the year n + 1 shall not exceed, at national level, 3 % for the area under cultivation for each of the following groups of main crops: cereals for the production of grain (including seed), dried pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses), root crops, industrial crops and plants harvested green.