Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • in drie delen
  • involving three parties or elements
"a tripartite treaty"
"a tripartite division"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • driebladig
  • involving three parties or elements
"a tripartite treaty"
"a tripartite division"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • tripartiet
  • involving three parties or elements
"a tripartite treaty"
"a tripartite division"



Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • driebladig
  • involving three parties or elements
"a tripartite treaty"
"a tripartite division"



  1. The composition of the Bureau should continue to reflect the tripartite structure of the Board.
  2. Detailed rules for auditing by the Court of Auditors are set out in the Tripartite Agreement.
  3. The Community has provided assistance to the Palestinian border management and has an established tripartite dialogue on customs issues with the Government of Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
  4. The Commission organised a tripartite meeting with the main data submitters and the rapporteur Member State for this active substance on 19 December 2003.
  5. The same tripartite agreement organises a system of assistance for businesses that promotes ways of keeping workers in employment where there is a danger of redundancy.
  6. The Commission organised a tripartite meeting with the main data submitters and the rapporteur Member State for this active substance on 17 May 2004.
  7. Where a prospectus is drafted as a tripartite document (i.e. registration document, securities note and summary), the registration document should be limited to the information on the depository.
  8. The existence within the tripartite Board of the three groups drawn from government, employers and employees and the designation of a coordinator for the groups of employers and employees have proved to be essential.
  9. The maintenance of the tripartite representation from each Member State ensures that all major stakeholders are involved and that account is taken of the diversity of systems and approaches which characterise vocational training issues.
  10. The existence, within the tripartite Board, of the three groups, drawn from government, employers and employees and the designation of a coordinator for the groups of employers and employees have proved to be essential.
  11. The maintenance of the tripartite representation from each Member State ensures that all major stakeholders are involved and that account is taken of the diversity of interests and approaches which characterise social issues.
  12. EIB financing in Central Asia should be carried out in close cooperation with the EBRD, in particular according to the terms to be set out in a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between the Commission, the EIB and the EBRD.
  13. EIB financing in Central Asia should be carried out in close cooperation with the EBRD, in particular according to the terms set out in a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding between the Commission, the EIB and the EBRD.
  14. EGNOS is a tripartite programme between the European Community, the ESA and Eurocontrol aiming at augmenting the American GPS and Russian GLONASS signals for reliability purposes on a broad geographical area.
  15. The tripartite governance of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, the Centre and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions by representatives of governments, employers’ organisations and employees’ organisations, is fundamental to the success of those bodies.