Betekenis van:

to undervalue
  • als nietig doen voorkomen
  • lose in value



to undervalue
    • esteem lightly


    to undervalue
    • devalueren
    • lose in value



    to undervalue
    • onderschatten, onderwaarderen, verslikken
    • assign too low a value to




    1. It is, I think, an indisputable fact that Americans are, as Americans, the most self-conscious people in the world, and the most addicted to the belief that the other nations of the earth are in a conspiracy to undervalue them.
    2. According to the Czech authorities, a market economy investor would have interpreted this earlier double rejection by the CSC as confirming its expectation that INH and LNM were trying, through these deficiencies identified by the CSC in the expert reports, to undervalue the company in order to pay the lowest possible price for the shares they planned to buy back.
    3. The Commission accepts the third element put forward by the Czech authorities, namely that a market economy investor would have interpreted the prior double rejection by the CSC as confirming its expectation that INH and LNM (the majority shareholder of INH, which is the driving force behind this operation since it will buy from INH the shares that the company has bought back) were trying to undervalue the company in order to pay the lowest possible price for the shares they wished to buy back.
    4. ‘finality’ or ‘final’ shall mean that the settlement of a payment order cannot be revoked, reversed or made void by the connected NCB, by the sending NCB/ECB, by the sending participant or by any third party, or even in the event of insolvency proceedings against a participant, except in cases of imperfections in the underlying transaction(s) or payment order(s) arising from criminal offences or fraudulent acts (whereby fraudulent acts shall also include preferences and transactions at undervalue during suspect periods in the case of insolvency) provided that such has been decided on a case-by-case basis by a court of competent jurisdiction or another competent dispute resolution body, or arising from error,